Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs are one of the most iconic forms of writing in the history of the world. They have been around for over 5,000 years and we still are fascinated by them. In ancient Egypt, hieroglyphs were a script consisting of symbols and images that represented words or concepts. While the script was used for thousands of years, it gradually fell out of use as Egypt came under the influence of other cultures, and was eventually replaced by the Coptic script.
Today in Egypt you can still see plenty of hieroglyphs carved and painted inside tombs in places such as the Valley of the Kings, Saqqara, and the Valley of the Queens. All the major temples in Egypt have hieroglyph inscriptions carved into them, which make a trip to Egypt one of the top bucket list trips to make in your life. I recently was lucky enough to visit Egypt, and these were some of my favorite photos I took of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and paintings.